De benodigdheden.
Riding intro

Een speler die een op monster rijdt.

Riding is een skill die spelers kunnen trainen vanaf level 30. Je kunt de skill aan leren bij verschillende Riding trainers. Je hebt hiervoor een geld bedrag nodig van minimaal 31 goudstukken en 50 zilverstukken. Riding is niet bepaald een goedkope skill, dus is het aangeraden om al vroeg te beginnen met sparen. Als je de mogelijkheid hebt, om het je te laten trainen, zul je ook nog een dier moeten kopen waarop je kan rijden. Ook deze zijn erg duren en de prijsklassen zijn ook erg hoog.

Riding kan getraind worden op een mount. Een mount is een dier waarop je rijdt. Hiermee kun je sneller reizen van de ene plek naar de andere plek. De standaard-mount heeft een +60% bonus en de epic-mount, welke kan aangeschaft worden vanaf level 60, heeft een +100% snelheid-bonus.

Verkrijgbare Mounts[]

Mount type Speed increase Availability Required riding skill
Alliance Crest IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Humans : IconSmall Horse Horse mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Dwarf MaleIconSmall Dwarf Female Dwarves : IconSmall Ram Ram mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female Gnomes : IconSmall Mechanostrider Mechanostrider mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Night elves : IconSmall Saber Saber mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
Bestand:IconSmall Draenei Male.gifBestand:IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Draenei : Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif Elekk mounts World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
Horde Crest IconSmall Orc MaleIconSmall Orc Female Orcs : IconSmall Wolf Wolf mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Tauren MaleIconSmall Tauren Female Tauren : Bestand:IconSmall Kodo.gif Kodo mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Troll MaleIconSmall Troll Female Trolls : Bestand:IconSmall Raptor.gif Raptor mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall Undead MaleIconSmall Undead Female Forsaken : Bestand:IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif Skeletal horse mounts 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female Blood elves : Bestand:IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif Hawkstrider mountsWorld of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 60% 10g Apprentice (75)
Neutral Ahn'Qiraj IconSmall SilithidTank Qiraji battle tank mounts 100% AQ40 Drop Apprentice (75)

Epic ground mounts[]

Mount type Speed increase Availability Required riding skill
Alliance Crest IconSmall Human MaleIconSmall Human Female Humans : IconSmall Horse Swift Horse Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Dwarf MaleIconSmall Dwarf Female Dwarves : IconSmall Ram Swift Ram Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Gnome MaleIconSmall Gnome Female Gnomes : IconSmall Mechanostrider Swift Mechanostrider Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Night elves : IconSmall Saber Swift Saber Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Draenei Male.gifBestand:IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Draenei : Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif Swift Elekk Mounts World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
Horde Crest IconSmall Orc Male IconSmall Orc Female Orcs : IconSmall Wolf Swift Wolf Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Tauren Male IconSmall Tauren Female Tauren : Bestand:IconSmall Kodo.gif Swift Kodo Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Troll Male IconSmall Troll Female Trolls : Bestand:IconSmall Raptor.gif Swift Raptor Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Undead Male IconSmall Undead Female Undead : Bestand:IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif Skeletal Warhorse Mounts 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
IconSmall BloodElf Male IconSmall BloodElf Female Blood elves : Bestand:IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif Swift Hawkstrider MountsWorld of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
Alliance Crest PvP Mounts IconSmall Mechanostrider [Black Battlestrider] from the gnomes [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Ram [Black War Ram] from the dwarves [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Horse [Black War Steed] from the humans [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
IconSmall Saber [Black War Tiger] from the night elves [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif [Black War Elekk] from the draenei 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
[†] Old PvP mounts (required rank 11) in pre-2.0/World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade honor system.
Horde Crest PvP Mounts IconSmall Wolf [Black War Wolf] from the orcs [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif [Red Skeletal Warhorse] from the undead [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Kodo.gif [Black War Kodo] from the tauren [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Raptor.gif [Black War Raptor] from the trolls [] 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif [Swift Warstrider] from the blood elves 100% 30 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
[†] Old PvP mounts (required rank 11) in pre-2.0/World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade honor system.
Neutral PvP Mounts Bestand:IconSmall Talbuk.gif [Dark War Talbuk] from Halaa blade merchant World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
100% 100 Halaa Battle Token 20 Halaa Research Token Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Talbuk.gif [Dark Riding Talbuk] from Halaa blade merchant World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% 70 Halaa Battle Token 15 Halaa Research Token Journeyman (150)
Rare faction Alliance: IconSmall Saber [Winterspring Frostsaber] 100% 100g Apprentice (75)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Talbuk.gif [Riding Talbuk Mounts] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% 70g Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Talbuk.gif [War Talbuk Mounts] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% 100g Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif [Ice Mammoth] World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 1,000g Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif [Grand Ice Mammoth] World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 10,000g Journeyman (150)
Alterac Valley Mounts Alliance: IconSmall Ram [Stormpike Battle Charger]
100% 50 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Horde: IconSmall Wolf [Frostwolf Howler] 100% 50 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor Journeyman (150)
Rare drop mounts Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif [Deathcharger's Reins] 100% Baron Rivendare, Stratholme Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: IconSmall Saber [Swift Zulian Tiger] 100% High Priest Thekal, Zul'Gurub Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Raptor.gif [Swift Razzashi Raptor] 100% Bloodlord Mandokir, Zul'Gurub Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: IconSmall Dreadsteed [Fiery Warhorse's Reins] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% Attumen the Huntsman, Karazhan Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: IconSmall RavenGod [Reins of the Raven Lord] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% Anzu, Sethekk Halls (Heroic) Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: IconSmall Bear [Amani War Bear] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% Ashli's Bag, Zul'Aman Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: IconSmall Bear [Reins of the White Polar Bear] World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% Brunnhildar Village Daily quest rare reward Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif [Swift White Hawkstrider] World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade 100% Kael'thas Sunstrider, Magisters' Terrace (Heroic) Journeyman (150)
Engineering mounts Alliance:

INV Misc Key 06 [Mekgineer's Chopper]

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
100% Crafted Journeyman (150)
Horde: Mechano-hog World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% Crafted Journeyman (150)
Dalaran Vendor Mounts Alliance: IconSmall Bear[Armored Brown Bear]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Horde: IconSmall Bear[Armored Brown Bear]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
From Mei Francis <Exotic Mounts>

100% 750g (before Kirin Tor reputation discount.) Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif[Reins of the Wooly Mammoth]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King From Mei Francis <Exotic Mounts> 100% 200 Emblem of Heroism Journeyman (150)
Neutral 15: Bestand:IconSmall Elekk.gif[Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King From Mei Francis <Exotic Mounts> 100% 20,000g (before Kirin Tor reputation discount.) Journeyman (150)
Alliance Crest Argent Tournament Mounts Great Azuremyst ElekkWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Alliance Irisee <Exodar Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Swift Darnassian MistsaberWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Alliance Rook Hawkfist <Darnassus Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Swift Ironforge RamWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Alliance Derrick Brindlebeard <Ironforge Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Swift Stormwind SteedWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Alliance Corporal Arthur Flew <Stormwind Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
TurbostriderWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Alliance Rillie Spindlenut <Gnomeregan Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Horde Crest Argent Tournament Mounts Bestand:IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif[Swift Forsaken Warhorse]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Horde Eliza Killian <Undercity Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Great Mulgore KodoWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Horde Doru Thunderhorn <Thunder Bluff Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Swift Orgrimmar WolfWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Horde Freka Bloodaxe <Orgrimmar Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Bestand:IconSmall Raptor.gif[Swift Darkspear Raptor]World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Horde Samamba <Sen'jin Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Swift Silvermoon HawkstriderWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 100% 100 Champion's Seal from Horde Trellis Morningsun <Silvermoon Quartermaster>.
After earning Sjabloon:Achievement.
Journeyman (150)
Mount type Speed increase Availability Required riding skill

Aquatic Mount[]

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Deze sectie betreft inhoud exclusief voor Wrath of the Lich King.

The 1st aquatic mount was introduced to the game in Patch 3.1.0.

Mount Name Speed increase Availability Required riding skill

[Sea Turtle]

0% on land
60% in water
Fishing in Northrend fishing pools Apprentice (75)